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Sunday, June 3, 2007 

Floating Candles - How to Mix Fire and Water in the Nicest Possible Way

Of course, there is a great way to mix Fire and Water (even if it doesn't seem logical at first) - use floating candles. Then it all makes sense.

Obviously, there are two key elements. The container(s) for the candle(s), and the container for the water. But honestly, the only real limit is your imagination, so here are some ideas to get you started.

Short glass cylinders are ideal for floating candles. Or what about using cut-glass wineglasses, or even water glasses, if you don't have glass cylinders? If you're lucky enough to have crystal that can add a shimmering touch, so much the better.

Floating candles look great in large bowls

Large, shallow bowls work well. Brass or copper is great, so is silver, and a large glass bowl will also work well. You can think about mixing flowers and floating candles if the bowl is large enough.

Use normal floating candles, or tea lights in floating holders, or if you're really pressed, tea lights on their own (because their aluminum containers won't crack in the cold water, although you'll need a delicate touch when placing them on the water).

Remember to use a number of candles if the container is of any size; more is definitely better in this type of arrangement.

Translucent gel-based floating candles look particularly good in their clear protective containers. They burn for a long time, so they also make economic sense.

If you set a theme of floating candles at the dinner table or in an entertainment area, you can easily continue the theme into the bathroom.

In a sense, bathrooms are a natural for floating candles. For an initial impact, use floating candles actually in the bath (in your own or the guest bathroom), and then extend the theme using mirrors to reflect the flame and incorporate a windowsill if you have one.

Again, the bath is a natural for a mixture of flowers and candles.

You can then extend the theme into the bedroom. If you are already using pillar candles, incorporating a bowl of floating candles will make a wonderful combination.

Use scented candles carefully

Because they're often used at the dinner table, floating candles tend to be unscented; no one wants fragrance competing with food flavors and aroma. However, if food is not involved, there is also a wide range of scented floating candles to choose from.

You don't have to be formal; you can find floating candles in a wide variety of shapes, ranging from flowers in varying colors (and fragrances) through bugs, insects, leaves and butterflies, to animals and novelty items like ghosts and cartoon shapes and characters.

Floating candles can also work outdoors, although some degree of shelter from the wind (and rain!) is needed. I've even seen them used to great effect on a sheltered fishpond (although I'm not sure what the fish thought about the whole idea!). Some designs have recessed wicks to shelter the flame from unkind winds.

As regards quality, floating candles can be either poured or pressed. The poured ones can often be a better buy, as they are dense and burn for a long time. As always, you get what you pay for, but sometimes the less expensive versions will work perfectly well. Just remember to check the maker's description to see what kind they offer.

There are a couple of obvious safeguards. Make sure the container hold the candle is watertight, and make sure it's not inflammable.

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