Wednesday, June 6, 2007 

Body Image and Healthy Weight

Our cultural obsession with thinness earns the diet industry $100 billion/year. The media presents thinness as the epitome of beauty for all females, even though this standard of beauty is unattainable for most women. The prevalence of images of so called attractive ultra thin women in the media leads to diminished body image and a lack of awareness regarding what constitutes a healthy weight. Although, there is an increasing trend in which the body image of young males being negatively affected by the medias presentation of the ideal male body this article will focus on; thinness as the beauty standard for all women in our culture, how this standard affects the psychology and body image of females, and how to determine your own healthy weight.

The media in all its forms promotes thinness as the beauty ideal. Womens magazines have 10.5X more ads and articles promoting weight loss than mens magazines do, over 75% of the covers of womens magazines include at least one message about how to change a womans bodily appearance, and approximately 80% of the female characters featured on TV and in movies are underweight.

Audiences viewing these images absorb these ideals, and as a culture we label those who are larger as unattractive and unworthy. If you think back to your childhood I am sure you will remember that during your school days the overweight kids were often the last ones picked for teams, teased about their size and discussed as being less than worthy of their thin counterparts. This makes it obvious that cultural notions about physical size color our perceptions, our language, and the way we behave. This is especially true for females who attempt to adhere to the beauty standard, as illustrated by the statistics to follow.

  • In recent survey by Teen People magazine 27% of the girls reported that they felt the media pressures them to have a perfect body
  • A 1996 poll conducted by an international advertising agency found that ads made women fear being unattractive or old
  • At any one time, 50% of American women are dieting
  • The number one wish for girls ages 11 to 17 is to be thinner
  • Researchers have found that girls as young as five have expressed fears of getting fat

Cleary, the average female living in the Western world does not have a good body image. This should be of concern to everyone in our society, as a negative body image affects the mental health and quality of life of most girls and women including our mothers, sisters, daughters and friends.

It is important to note that a womans body image influences her behavior, self-esteem and psyche. When a female feels bad about her body her moods plummets and she loses confidence in her abilities. Girls and women who think poorly of their bodies tend to have problems in other areas of their lives, including her sexuality, career and relationships. The excerpt below from the Agony section of Cosmopolitan magazine that exemplifies this point:

Recently I've been really unhappy. My main problem is that I am overweight and can't see someone ever really caring about me. I have really low self-esteem and only one guy has ever really looked past my appearance and saw me for who I am. I am so lonely and don't know what to do. I would give anything to be thin. I have taken diet pills and made myself vomit and tried to starve myself, but I don't have a lot of will power. I'm planning on seeing a therapist, but can you help me with my problem?

A female with a healthy body image has feelings about her body that are positive, confident and self caring. This image is necessary to care for the body, to find outlets for self-expression and to feel comfortable with oneself as a person. But how does one move towards developing a positive body image? This is a complex issue, but one part of the answer is to determine what your own healthy body weight is and to move towards achieving and maintaining it, instead of focusing on a beauty standard that is unattainable for over 97% of the population. So how does one ascertain what her healthy body weight is?

Presently, the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference (WC) measures are considered the best indicators of a persons healthy weight. Your BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. If that calculation results in a number that falls within the range of 18.5-24.9 you are at a healthy weight. For waist circumference the measure is taken midway between the bottom margin of your lowest rib and the top of your pelvic bone while you are standing with your feet about 25-30 cm (10-12) apart. A WC measurement of >88cm (35) for women and >102 (40) for men is associated with increased risk of disease and ill health.

In summary, determining your own healthy body weight is not difficult, though shifting ones mindset away from upholding thinness as the beauty standard might be. For the majority of females in our society the battle against the real or imagined bulge is a constant over the course of their entire lives. This preoccupation with their weight often negatively impacts their mental state, and ultimately the way they interact with the people around them. For this reason, education regarding what is considered a healthy weight is fundamental to improving the mental health and body image of women and girls. And, when more young girls and women are informed about the notion of a healthy weight, the idea that thinness is the only beauty standard for women will slowly be replaced with the knowledge that being healthy makes you truly beautiful.

Bisa Dobson is the owner of Focus on Fitness Personal Training and Lifestyle Coaching. To learn more about your health, personal training, and lifestyle coaching visit

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Soccer Team Strategy With 5-5 Positional Set Up



5, defenders,

The soccer team has new positional dynamics with this formation.

The addition to this defensive style is a central defender who can control the play from the back line.

This defender could also be an attacking player who will feed through balls to the striker. In addition to this the play maker will help create and initialze an attack from the defensive edge of the mid-field.

It can be thought that this player is also a mid-field player when the attack is mounted.

In real soccer, when your team has the ball, everybody becomes an attacker.

This team has this formation of positions in order not to lose.

They do not want goals scored against them and are usually willing to have a single goal scored for them and will to play for a draw albeit 0-0.

It is also possible that their goalkeeper is not the "best" in the league.

It is however possible that this team has also be set up to play a strong attacking team.

This would mean that the coaching staff has done their homework and scouted the opposition.

All in all this team is more prepared to defend as opposed to attack.

This team is an opportunistic attacking team and usually against the run of play.

This happens when the opposing team has made or been forced to make a mistake.

5, midfielders,

Two outside/wing players who dominate the sides of the field. They also act as attackers creating many scoring opportunities for their teams.

These are hard working players and a usually super-fit. However sometimes after a few runs on the side these two can switch with the two inside players for a rest.

If this is possible, the team can keep their opponents confused and always looking for changing plays and positions.

This type of positonal play can not be defended by a man-on-man team defense. This requires a good zone defense and a constantly communicative team.

The 2 inside players are usually defensive in their roles but will become part of the attack when their team has possession. They will generally use the central midfielder to create plays and control the tempo of the game.

The tactical aspect of this team is to play within 2 thirds of the field at a time.

When defending they will remain in the defensive and middle thirds of the field.

While the attack is on the defense tries to occupy the middle third.

This is to gain space and pressure the opposing team to remain in their own defensive end.

This allows for an attack of the goal by 5 players at a time. Not that other systems doesn't allow this, but it is systematic in its nature and creates these opportunities.

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The Best Body Building Supplement - What Is It?

When you ask the "experts" to tell you which body building supplement is the best overall for body building - you will often get many different answers and opinions. This is to be expected, when you consider that people engaging in bodybuilding all have different goals and varied workout styles.

Some of the more common body building supplements you may have heard about include Creatine, Nitric Oxide and Glutamine. Many people have experienced quality gains from using different mixes of these supplements.

On the other hand, there are some body building supplements that have a more edgy reputation. For instance products that are now illegal like Ephedra, Growth Hormones (Pharmaceutical HGH, HCG and any other related compounds) and Ephedrine.

However, there is one body building supplement that over time has irrefutably proven to be a positive help in bodybuilding that supplement is: protein. Consequently, protein is an absolute requirement for anybody training that wants to build or preserve muscle.

How does Protein Work In Your Body?

Your muscles must have protein for them to grow. When you lift weights, your ingestion of protein has a stimulating result on your muscle tissue. Protein provides the best muscle enhancement supplement that can be offered.

Regarding preservation of the muscle you are building, if you over-do your cardio (either by doing extremely high intensity cardio or low intensity for an extended period of time) the body will burn all its carb stores and then start to burn your hard-earned muscle. Unfortunately when your body runs out of carbs to burn it will not then turn to solely burning up your fatit will also burn up your muscle.

By making protein in the form of a body building supplement a part of your regimen it will help replace any burned muscle.

You definitely want to be sure to be getting high quality protein in your daily diet however, the problem is that it may not be convenient or easy to do that with our busy on-the-go lives. And quite often the protein in our diets can contain a lot of fat so you really have to watch out for that. As a body building supplement, adding a protein shake to your daily life is much more convenient than it is to cook meat.

For more information about Nitrean - the superior quality bodybuilding protein supplement that is recommended by Mens Health Magazine go to: or nitrean

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Why Are Weight Lifting Shoes Important For You To Have?

Weight lifting shoes are just as important for your routine as the clothes are. You will not be comfortable while you are working out if you do not have the correct weight lifting shoes. You need to find the right pair that will work perfect for your weight lifting.

First, you need to find a pair that is not too big. When they are too big you will have them falling off your feet and tripping you during your work out.

Second, you dont want them to be too small because then you will end up with blisters on your feet. You will also end up having very sore feet. This will make it hard for you to continue your weight lifting and make it more difficult the next time you do your weight lifting.

So you definitely want to find weight lifting shoes that will fit you just right. You may have to try on more than one pair but you will be glad you did when your shoes end up supporting your feet instead of hurting them.

Third, you want to make sure that the shoes you get will not be ones that you will slip on anything. This is one way that you can get hurt in a gym when you are not working out. You dont want this to happen. Make sure that the shoes you choose are ones that have good traction.

Now there are a couple of places that you can get the weight lifting shoes that you need. You can look in your local stores to find them. You also want to see if the local gyms have them for sale. Gyms are a good place to look because they know what the best kinds of clothes and shoes are for weight lifting.

You can also do a search online at any search engine for your shoes. There will be all kinds of results that you can choose from. One disadvantage to getting them online is that you will not be able to try them on before you buy them. You just have to buy them and hope they fit or are the right ones.

No matter where you get your weight lifting shoes you want to make sure you take all of these things into consideration before you buy any. That way you will be able to concentrate on your weight lifting and not be worrying about your clothes or shoes. It is always important to find the right outfit including shoes when you want to weight lift.

Mike Parker reveals what women really want at his how to build up muscle website for ways to build muscle and attract women. Get your free copy of "How Your Physique Affects the Female Mind" right here now.

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Shopping For The Perfect Treadmill For You

While other home exercise fitness equipment and infomercial gimmicks gather dust, treadmills continue to gain more popularity and get the results people are looking for. Basic treadmill models can start at $100 and can go up to $5000. If you're set to invest in a serious piece of indoor exercise fitness equipment, like a treadmill, then help is here.

The word treadmill originally designated a type of mill which was operated by a person treading steps of a wheel to grind grain. Treadmill belt widths generally range from 17" to 22" and lengths from 51" to 61". With treadmills you need to watch out for the impact involved when your feet hit the belt; your body absorbs up to two and a half times your body weight.

A pre-programmed workout registers your heart rate without being connected to the treadmill by a cord or wire. The more expensive treadmill models will offer a selection of preprogrammed exercise routines. The deck is the belt area on which actual running, jogging and walking take place.

Most treadmills come with an electronic console that displays workout feedback such as speed, distance traveled, time you've been working out, and calories burned. One of the key things to remember is that the larger motors tend to run cooler and usually require less repair and maintenance. People, who don't have enough room for a bulky exercise machine, may want to consider a folding treadmill; they collapse to allow for easy storage.

Some treadmills monitor your heart by way of sensors built into the frame, which is gripped by your hands, but can only be done if you're walking not running. The console indicates the belt speed and other factors, such as heart rate, miles per hour, and distance.

If you're planning to use a treadmill purely for walking you're not likely to need an expensive top-of-the-line machine. Once you've decided on the treadmill that you think is right for you, make sure to compare prices online with several different manufacturers. The first thing to consider when shopping for a home treadmill is what you need it to do for you.

Less expensive treadmill models may be fine for walkers but may not hold up as well for regular or seasoned runners. When buying a treadmill, the best savings will be for an online purchase, generally saving up to 45% over brick and mortar stores. Any treadmill with a belt that causes jerky movements while you walk or run should be avoided.

Be careful not to believe the marketing hype if you're looking for a cheap treadmill; the truth is you get what you pay for. Did I mention to make sure to check out the warranty fine print, this is very important. Buying fitness equipment over the Internet has grown at a fast pace over the past few years.

Buying a treadmill online has become the way to go for most people; it'll save you both time and a lot of money. Noise from the smallest repetitive sound can drive you nuts over a period of time and give you another excuse not to exercise.

Probably the most important thing to look for in a treadmill is to see how sturdy it is. Be aware the better quality treadmills can cost as much as $5000 and have a lot of bells and whistles you don't need.

Whether you use a treadmill to walk, jog or run, the units are very effective at burning calories, raising heart rate and developing aerobic capacity. The more programs the treadmill has to offer the more you can vary your workout and you'll be likely to continue exercising on a regular basis. Make sure to see your doctor or naturopathic doctor before you start any new fitness or exercise program. As you increase your fitness levels, a quality treadmill will continue to assist your exercise needs as you progress to light jogging or to running.

Buying a treadmill is an excellent investment for getting into shape, understanding of course, that you actually use it. A treadmill is a good investment for anyone who has decided to make a conscious effort to become healthy and fit. Besides spending your money on a treadmill make sure you spend time on it!

For more information on saving money on treadmills and best buy shopping for treadmills online and offline go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in treadmill tips, advice and resources, including information on treadmill ratings and treadmill reviews

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Staging a Super Bowl Party

The Super Bowl party is almost as much a part of Super Bowl history as the football itself. Arriving right at the end of the month of January, Super Bowl party planning gives you the perfect chance to escape from possibly the most boring time of year. When you are Super Bowl party planning you must always remember that not everyone will be attending because they love football, some will be coming just to meet friends and family for a bit of entertainment. Some Super Bowl party ideas to incorporate this fact are to set up two rooms, one with the giant television youve hired and the other for the non-sports lovers.

Super Bowl menus are very easy to follow and most Super Bowl recipes will come ready cooked from the pizza delivery firm or the local take away so the only real Super Bowl party supplies you need will be liquid refreshments. Pizza, hot wings, burgers and beer are the staple diet of virtually any Super Bowl party and Super Bowl party games will consist almost solely of sweepstakes and betting.

Super Bowl is about forgetting diets and being healthy and just having fun. The same can be said for your Super Bowl decorations. Team flags and strips will be easy to get hold of and you can put these on the wall and around the television. Buy a few footballs and give them away as perfect Super Bowl party favors so your guests will always remember the day. If youre really adventurous you could try second-guessing who the winner will be and personalizing the balls to match. Your party favors could be worth something in a few years time.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Fun Super Bowl games and Super Bowl party supplies here!

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Gail Leino - EzineArticles Expert Author
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